Coming Soon!

We all experience those times in our life when we feel just a bit 'tattered'--those times when we lose our focus, get off track, or simply find ourselves stuck in a hard place. We wander how we got there, what we can do to regain our focus, and just who in the word are we anyway. In The Tattered Art Club, you'll learn how to use creativity to regain your focus, be reminded of who you are in God's eyes, and experience a community where you can joyfully thrive as the person you were born to become.

"You will go out in JOY and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." --Isaiah 55:12

Upcycled and Handpainted Apparel

The Tattered Artist is a recognized designer on Revel & Ravel. This exclusive online apparel platform "invites you to explore the creativity of slow fashion, curated collections, and your own unique style." Visit to check out my upcycled denim line of clothing.

Be inspired by the world around you; nurture creativity!